Launched as a "beta test" early Wednesday, Google Base has the potential to make instantly available a vast sea of content including — but not limited to — recipes, job ads, photos, DNA sequences, real estate listings and individual standalone databases.
Normally, it takes Web "crawlers" days or weeks to scour the Web and feed Google's main search engine with updated information, but they usually can't penetrate content buried in databases. This tool will make locating anything that's been uploaded nearly instantaneous, provided it finds users willing to provide the content.
from Yahoo!
these are a great idea! they're called YakTrax, and you slip em on over your shoes... you can check them out here.
apparently, if your friend shares their music out, you can listen to whatever song they have!
via ubergizmo
oh well, that gives me more time to actually finish the first part...
from gamespot
Personally, I'm gonna wait until the PS3 comes out - then get the 360 at half price, lol...
Here's a list of the stores that will be open at midnight:
from kotaku
click here
The avahi cleesei, which weights [sic] less than two pounds and eatsand apparently, no, they do not say "ni".
leaves, was discovered in Western Madagascar in 1990....
hmm... i was just watching this with my wife... this is a replica of the "pathetic" Christmas tree that good ol' Charlie Brown purchased. available now from Urban Outfitters.
from boingboing
yes, this is a real product. it's a mouse-phone. and of course, it's manufactured by Koreans. what will we think of next?
from redferret
how many revisions will Star Wars: Galaxies go through?
but then again, i guess it doesn't matter much to me, as I haven't played it for about a year or so. so why am I still paying????
good question.
from joystiq
this is a pretty nifty piece of technology....
The DualHead2Go, as it’s known, tricks your system into thinking that your two 1280 x 1024 monitors are really one big 2560 x 1024 beast, allowing your desktop to flow across two screens. Users of certain laptops can even employ the DualHead2Go for hooking up two more monitors in addition to the built-in LCD for a super-cheap three-monitor setup.
from engadget
you are looking at what may be the future of renewable energy.
A company in California, Pyron Solar, is making the bold claim that its solar power system can compete head-to-head with conventional power plants. The system, developed with Boeing-Spectrolab, is very compact, and uses short-focal-length lenses to concentrate direct sunlight to photovoltaic cells. The company says these cells produce 800 times more electricity than conventional non-concentrating cells of the same size. Their first prototype, which is 23 feet in diameter and 16 inches high, produces an astonishing 6.5 KW of electricity, enough to power six homes.
from Treehugger
from Engadget
from redferret
Sony's response to the whole rootkit fiasco has been anything but reassuring -- which is probably why they're facing a series of lawsuits about the matter. However, the folks over at Digg have highlighted what might be the single most ridiculous statement on the matter from a Sony executive during an NPR interview about the matter. After taking issue with anyone using the terms "spyware, malware or rootkit," Thomas Hesse, President of Sony's Global Digital Business, literally says: "Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?" Ah, right. Because people don't know about this technology that was installed without proper notification, which hides things on their computers, which can be misused by those with malicious intent to hide more software on their computers potentially causing all sorts of damage... they have nothing at all to worry about. This goes beyond the "trust us" response they were originally stating to the unfathomable rationale that what you don't know about can't possibly hurt you.how effin stupid is this guy?
British Gaming Blog has listed all the available characters (selectable and unlockable) for Mario Kart DS!!!
All 16 Mario Kart DS characters revealed!
Click full story to see the full list.
# Mario
# Luigi
# Peach
# Donkey Kong
# Bowser
# Wario
# Toad
# Yoshi
# Shy Guy
# Daisy
# Waluigi
# Dry Bones
# Koopa Troopa
# Toadette
# Petey
# Piranha
# R.O.B.
CBS is in talks with Apple about signing up for that nifty iTunes Music Store video
downloads thing they’ve got going on. Apparently they’re just making sure the price is right, but in the meantime they’re setting up some show downloads on CBS.com, so at least it’s certain that ABC won’t be the only game in town as far as downloadable network TV goes. We were hearing some rumors of NBC talks as well, and we’ll try not to get ahead of ourselves here, but we have to believe that once all three networks get up and running on iTunes, the fight will be for who can offer the most and freshest content, a veritable paradise for the consumer, at least that’s what happens in the reoccurring dream we’ve been having on the subject.
from engadget
from kotaku
from redferret.net
SAN FRANCISCO - Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday announced online enhancements to its Windows operating system and other popular software programs, hoping to defuse a growing threat from Google Inc. and other fast-moving challengers.
With a new Web site called "Windows Live," Microsoft hopes to create a new platform that will unfasten some of its applications from a computer hard drive.
Top 5 Features
Two-paned view lets you see media on your PC and PSP™ system at the same time
Automatic file format conversion — PSP™ Media Manager does the work for you
CD extraction — transfer your CDs to your PSP™ system
Podcast and video blog support — download and encode feeds for PSP™ playback
Customizable compression options for music, movies, and images
See all features
Goodness, it's been a big day for virus writers. Apparently, some enterprising virus coders are including false links in emails about the Avian Influenza.
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Computer hackers are exploiting fears over bird flu by releasing a computer virus attached to an email passing itself off as containing avian flu information, warned Spainish computer firm Panda Software.When the file is opened, the virus modifies, creates and delete files. A second part of the virus installs a program that allows hackers to gain remote control of infected computers.
if you're like me, your earbuds slip out altogether too frequently... but, worry no more! buy this silicone-custom-molding kit, and slippage will no longer be a problem that plagues you!
First there was Cell, now will there be a miniCell? no, not the bruiser from DBZ.
Ken Kutaragi-san stated that there is work being done to shrink the Cell processor, so, will the miniCell be in the PSP2?
prolly not, cause considering the relative lack of software support [relative to the DS], who knows how long the PSP will sell... *grumble*
from Kotaku
stupid freekin USPTO - more the P side of the dept. than the T.
from The Register
this is too freekin hilarious!!!
FoxTrot takes one the RIAA & MPAA
click on the comic if it's too blurry
from BoingBoing
ooo, i want one... from autoblog
Remember Spy Hunter, that top-down racing game where you could lay down an oil slick, blow a smoke screen or throw some flames from your back end to thwart unwanted pursuers? Extreme Dimensions and Scion Racing Driver Christian Rado have created a Widebody tC with a “Secret Agent setup” that lets you recreate your favorite Spy Hunter moments. It comes standard with built-in smoke screen, oil slick and flame throwing capabilities. It also features night vision so the setting sun won’t spoil your mayhem.
from Yahoo! News....
The worm works by targeting AIM users, who might get what appears to be a message from someone on a buddy list asking them to click on a link in the message. If they comply, the virus is downloaded to the machine.
Disturbing Trend
The worm was detected in a "honey pot" machine set up by FaceTime to track malware on instant-messaging networks and Web sites for malicious code and hazardous URLs.
FaceTime indicated that all AIM users are at risk.
"This is part of a disturbing trend, and attacks based on instant-messaging clients will only get worse over time," Wells said.